
Digital Audit and Operational Audit

Digital Audit 

Digital Audit provides you with a clear vision of the current status of your brand online.

  • What are the parameters under which your customers find your site?
  • What actions are and have been most effective for the positioning of your site?

We analyze the performance and current situation of your brand in each channel. You will receive a detailed report of the findings, as well as the recommended actions to correct the possible deficiencies or improvements for those that are giving the best results.

Situation analysis – Analysis of own channels – Analysis of competition – Analysis of the Sector.

  • SEO and ASO positioning.
  • Social networks.
  • Online advertising.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Website.

Operational Audit

The operational audit provides objective information about the functionality of the processes, as well as the adherence to the standards that distinguish your company in the different areas of attention and service, being an effective tool in the decision making on the measures to be implemented for continuous improvement.

You will receive a detailed and analytical report with compliance charts.


What do we audit?

  • Standards of your own brand.
  • Operating Procedures.
  • Service procedures.
  • Facilities.

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