Performing regular training courses for your employees helps them improve their skills and abilities in performing their daily tasks and be prepared for new challenges, this being a key piece in achieving the objectives of your business.
We offer you some of our programs:
The Charm of Service
Training program that provides quality service techniques for the client.
Setting Goals (KPI’s, SLA’s)
The success of every company depends on the clarity of its objectives, its real scope and that they are measurable. This program will help you identify and establish the objectives of your business, as well as the evaluation systems that allow you to know what is the progress towards them.
Kaizen Methodology
(5’s – Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketzu, Shitzuke)
The 5’S methodology is considered as one of the basic principles in the organization of clean and safe work areas, which allow to make the daily work more simple and satisfactory, causing changes that make the processes effective and facilitate the implementation and efficient development of other important improvements, both in the manufacturing and service industries.